Start saving today with Teamster Advantage — a members-only program, founded in November 2016, to stop the flow of taxpayer funds from leaving our communities when shoppers choose big business instead of locally owned operations.
By shopping locally, we keep our home economy prosperous, sustainable, and resilient, creating a stable tax base that funds the popular services provided for residents by hard-working public employees.
Through partnerships with hundreds of local businesses, Teamster Advantage helps members shop locally while saving money, too, thanks to discounts offered for members only.
Click on the link below to see the list of local partnering businesses and the discounts they offer:
Download the official Teamster Advantage app on your phone’s app store to find our partners on the go:
Don’t have a Teamster Advantage ID card needed to qualify for our discounts? Reach out to your Local 1932 or Local 63 Business Agent today to start the application process.
No cost for participation because with Teamster Advantage community comes first.
Mark Orr
Program Information for Business Owners